Enhance your workplace support and retain valuable staff by offering the

employer benefits

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What's the impact on your company?

Example: 1000
Example: 32000

You have X employees (18% of your staff) acting as unpaid family caregivers.

Your caregiver staff misses an average of 12 hours a month, worth £X.

X of your employees are struggling with clinical depression. This represents 23% of your staff.

X of your caregivers (29% of your staff) will likely leave their jobs to deal with their caregiving duties.

It can cost your company around £X to replace these employees.

Case Study

West Yorkshire ICB (Integration Care Board) have commissioned Care Networx to deliver the app to over 200,000 unpaid carers in West Yorkshire that covers 5 local authorities. The app has passed NHS regulations in coming DTAC complaint and integration into the Patient Care Records that shows the integration capabilities with complex external systems.


Unpaid carers play a critical role, providing essential support to family members and friends. Despite their invaluable contributions, they often face significant challenges, including emotional stress, and financial difficulties.

The support available to unpaid carers is currently reactive, with carers accessing support at the point they self-identify as having a particular need. However, by the point at which carers identify a need and seek support the need is often complex, more difficult to address and causing great distress to the carer.

Supporting your employees who are family caregivers is crucial. With 18% of your workforce likely juggling caregiving responsibilities, the Care Networx app is here to help. Our comprehensive tool offers real-time messaging, document management, self-care resources, remote monitoring, and essential support for managing the care of ageing loved ones.

By integrating features such as appointment coordination, medication reminders, Care Networx reduces the caregiving burden, allowing your employees to maintain their productivity and well-being.

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A white labelled App that will allow an organisation to offer their own branded carers app to their employees enabling them to support them in staying in employment.


2.6 million people

have quit their jobs to care for a loved one, with nearly half a million leaving their jobs in the last two years alone (circa 650 people leave the UK workforce per day).

Inadequate support

or working carers costs UK businesses £8.2 billion annually

Carers Leave Act

came into force in April 2024, requiring employers to allow five days of unpaid leave each year for carergiving, highlighting the need for improved support systems.

Benefits of the app

  • Employees will benefit from reduced stress and improved health, therefore maintaining employment and productivity. This can reduce absenteeism and presenteeism in the workplace, contributing to overall economic productivity.
  • Offer proactive help and support to employees that is clear and easy to access enabling them to understand support available from their employer but also the state and community.
  • Own company branded app that shows the employer has proactive support before the employees needs becomes more complex.
  • Company documentation embedded within the app for employees to follow.
  • Can be easily added to employee benefits processes.
  • Integrations of other technologies or data are the heart of our solution.
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Some Industry stats

5 to 10 million

carers in England and Wales, primarily women, contribute an estimated £162 billion annually in unpaid care.

Over 1.5 million

provide substantial care exceeding 50 hours per week.


carers in England and Wales, primarily women, contribute an estimated £162 billion annually in unpaid care.

5 to 10 million

carers in England and Wales, primarily women, contribute an estimated £162billion annually in unpaid care.